Thursday, June 01, 2006

Call him Captain Cornflake.

A friend of mine where I work created this character for an independent game project he'd like to do eventually and asked me if I could design him based on a few sketches he had made. He's Captain Cornflake and he dispatches injustice with his trusty super spatula. Crazy, I know, but it makes about as much sense as an Italian plumber in a land of mushrooms, at least. At some point I'd like to start on a 3D model of this guy for the actual game.


Anonymous said...

hehe, i like this guy! nice e3 writeup too, looks like it was fun.

Anonymous said...

You may have to use a different name. "Captain Cornflake" is already the mascot of a gaming site known as VG Resource Center.

The reason I'm pointing this out is because I'm him. I cannot have my persona share the same name as a video game character. Sort of throws the whole 'neutrality' thing that is so crucial to gaming journalism right out the window.

Otherwise, nice drawing. You've got some real talent going there.