Sunday, June 04, 2006

Illustration Friday: Portrait

This is a different style then I usually do; I wanted to try some different techniques gleaned from various inspirations. This was all done in Photoshop, unlike most of my latest work which I used Flash for. I also tried a more painterly way of coloring it then I normally do. Another thing is that I tried to rely less on cartoon drawing conventions, and come up with unique ways of interpreting the face in a cartoony way.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I like it a lot! It is quite different from your other stuff. Keep up the good work!!!

Queen Tut said...

She has got style, nice work.

~CML said...

This is exquisite! I don't know your "normal work" but this reminds me of a classy-like ren&stempy. Yet still unique. I hope the above comment doesn't offend.

I like it a LOT, and the technique for the frame as compared to the portrait.

Vern Mercado said...

keep it up. keep experimenting.

fellipe said...

i can see a lot of development going on with that one, by comparing the past 2d works, keep it up!

RÃ¥nny said...

i really love how she came out, especially her eyes and lips. Awesome job, Scott! c:

Jay D Smith said...

good work!!