This was done in an early version of Painter, and I'm not too experienced in the program (or painting in general, for that matter), so it isn't all that it could be. I'm happy with it mostly, though. I like the atmosphere of it, and I think it'd be cool to have a secret treehouse with a view like that.
those animations are great! reminds me of sinj games
and this tree house is just dreamy. i can picture a convention of classical movie monsters going on inside! haha, great stuff
What a view! Nice color pallette too! Thanks for your visit and your comments on my blog Scott. Can't wait to see more of what you've got up your sleeve.
The green moonlight is very mysterious...
Beautiful artworks!
You did a really good job with this. When I first saw it, I thought it was a real painting. Gives a real sense of peacefulness...
the green vs. the purple is striking!! definetley an attention catcher
Very good work, I have put Link in Perejilpuntocom!
I like how the tree house looks like it was done with good ol' pastels. Bravo.
I love the colours in this illo. I've yet to master Painter D':
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